Friday 27 April 2012

sushi night with friends

every once and a while we'd get together with our friends and have a sushi night. our friends ben and judith work in borough and are 
lucky enough to know an excellent fish monger. my mouth is watering just thinking about the sushi we'd make.

i miss my london friends.

Monday 23 April 2012

a walk to digest

after christmas lunch we took a late afternoon walk to stretch our legs and to help us digest.

Saturday 21 April 2012

christmas day

i collected some more film, so we're rewinding time a little...
photos above are from christmas day in france. we ate and drank like kings, listened to serge and laughed with our family. that was 
our last christmas in france for a while. but boy was it good!

Tuesday 17 April 2012

another day, another pool

another fantastic sydney pool - the andrew (boy) charlton.
i like the 80s feel these photos have. 

Friday 13 April 2012

come have a swim

the husband and i were lucky to have some time to hang out when we got back to sydney. i took these on a glorious summer's day in
february. we decided to head to north sydney pool. in my opinion this must have to be one of the world's best public pools... what do 
you think? look at that view! 

now jump in! the water is lovely...

Wednesday 11 April 2012


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