Monday 7 March 2011

full stop

lately i've been feeling a little overwhelmed by my blog, or perhaps i'm underwhelmed...
i've always tried to have a new post every two days, however these days i'm finding it a little difficult to meet this deadline. 

i'm feeling a little uninspired and not taking as many photos.

i'm thinking it has something to do with the weather and not getting out and about as much or seeing new things.

as i haven't been that happy with the last few posts, i think it's time to take a little break.

i plan to take more photos, get out more and hopefully welcome spring very soon with fresh eyes.

watch this space. 

back soon dear friends.

m x

Thursday 3 March 2011

archive: france

we just booked tickets to go to france to visit family for easter. 
i can't wait.

Tuesday 1 March 2011