Monday, 7 July 2014

Shade / Sun

When we visit the beach, I like to find a spot that's got sun and shade. I've got fair skin, so am always careful to cover up and wear lots of suncream. I do manage to get a tan in summer, but it's quite slight and it takes we a while to get there. You'd probably say more sun kissed than tanned :). My best friend Edwina has very fair skin, so she's the perfect beach companion for me. Too bad we currently live on opposite sides of the world as she's my fellow big hat wearing, shade loving sister from another mister. She's got a term that I love, it's called 'lizarding'. It's sun-baking, but all covered up, lying on a towel with a big hat over your face. You soak up the sun, without getting burnt :). We have lizarded together in Croatia, Sardinia, Barcelona, South of France and Sydney. I very much look forward to future lizarding action somewhere in the world in the future with her.

Hope those of you in the Northern Hemisphere are enjoying your summer!

P.s I love how these two pics almost line up perfectly...

1 comment:

  1. I have the same "problem" but j'adore lézarder ^^
