Monday 9 November 2009

doggie bag


  1. this is so cute! spotting little dogs heads sticking out of bags are my favorite. i wish i could be carried around in a tote bag.

  2. no. way.
    so happy you had your camera on you, imagine if you hadn't... then I wouldn't have this smile on my face right now.

  3. Same New Story - it's super cute isn't it! he's a friend's dog who had just had an operation so he was getting extra special loving treatment and care the day we had lunch.

    Famapa - i too am glad i had my camera on me and the shot worked out! glad i brought a smile to your face and hope you're doing well. x

  4. Ahhh! Adorable. Such a sweet shot :) Loving your blog!! xoxo

  5. Thank you Dee! x

    and thanks for stopping by Shannon x

  6. hahah oh my gosh this is so so cute!
