Tuesday, 20 December 2011

hip hooray!

this week is big. 
today it's my birthday - i'm 31! 
i finish my job (of 4 years) on friday.
it's christmas in 5 days.. we'll be celebrating in the french alps.

it's a happy/sad/exciting week.


  1. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day and Christmas - lucky you :)

  2. Happy birthday to you, and congrats on the end of the job. Enjoy your holidays.

  3. happy birthday! congratulations on your job! What will you be on to next??
    have a happy holiday! enjoy the alps!

  4. Hope you had a wonderful birthday ! the cake looks so yummy :)

  5. happy belated birthday!! and hurrah for finishing your job! and merry christmas enjoy your holiday, what a festive month for you!!

  6. Happy belated birthday!
    You are 6 days older than me :-) (I celebrated my 31st on Monday)
    You had a great looking cake...I still have to blow out my candles...I had a sugar overdose from Christmas, so i saved it 'till today :-)

  7. thanks for all the wishes everyone!

    happy belated birthday Leen.

    i have to admit that the cake wasn't mine, i took this photo at a friend's birthday. it's a very pretty cake!
